2018 Finds
8 Weeks in England
beach hunts: 61
Other hunts: 2
Returns: 1
Coins |
Jewelry |
Clad Total: $263 |
Gold |
15 |
US Siver coins: 21 |
Silver |
20 |
Foreign Silver: 54 |
Gold weight |
53.2 grams |
Updated 2/25/19
October England trip was Awesome!
Loads of great finds
Some of my better finds from the 4 week trip
Bronze Sword Pommel
A hybrid of both Viking and Saxon styles
Dates from the 9th to 11th century

Celtic gold quarter stater
Trinovantian tribe, Addedomarus
45 to 25 BC
1653 Commonwealth Half Crown (30 pence)
Hammered silver coin
14.39g, 34mm
September 13th
Short hunt coins and a junk ring
September 7th
Just a couple days of warmth makes a load of difference
6 bucks a silver stud earring and 2 junkers
September 4th
everyone has beat the beaches to death this past weekend.
Not much left
September 3rd
Slim pickens this morning
August 27th
Quick hit after work
August 24th
Spent about 3 and a half hours in the dry sand at another beach, tons of coins keys and junk jewelry
Best find of the day was this 14K wrapped quartz medalion.6.2g

August 23th
Water for 2 hours, Stainless steel, Tungston carbide and a dozen coins

August 22nd
Hit a beach we havent hit since last year
Lots of coins, 3 junk jewlery and another 10K gold band 5.2g
August 21st
We actually went out 2 times today
I hit the water in the morning about 6.50 in coins
We hit the dry sand in the evening for a hour and a half
Just shy of 3 bucks and a thin gold band

August 20th
Good day both wet and dry
Almost 5 bucks a silver earring and a small gold band
August 18th
about and hour in the water and a couple hours in the dry stuff.
6 bucks and 3 junk jewlery

August 17th
Quick trip before work
Couple coins and 2 silver and earring and silver chain with charm
August 14th
Had a good day, I was in the water and Gretchen was on the dry sand
There was a nice cut managed a 14k Gold chain 6.7g then the broken gold plated rope chain on the top row
The small 14K gold chain came up with another target 0.2g Small silver baseball golve charm and 2 silver dimes
Better shot of the goodies

Gretchen popped a beauty 10.1g mens Platinum wedding band
Her First!

August 12th
Headed back to the spot I foung the gold ring at last week
No gold but still recovered some keepers 1920 Mercury dime, buffalo nickle and 2 cracker jack toys
August 9th
Hit a beach we havent hit in a while I got about 5 bucks and a High School ring
Got home and checked facebook for the owner.
Found Her! She actually had a picture of her ring on her page.
Ring will be going home when she gets back from traveling.

Gretchen got her 2nd gold of the year 10K 2.4g

August 7th
Mostly dry sand on 2 beaches About 6 bucks and 2 junkers
August 6th
Went back to the same spot as yesterday still digging targets
small silver ring marked sterling, 1896 Barber quarter, gold ring
Ring cleaned up slightly 10K S signet ring 4.1 g probably 1900 to 1930

August 5th
Hit a spot that I have not been to before. Was suprised to find as much as I did.
Cracker jack prizes, silver ring, Wards soft bread Advertising badge, wheat pennies
Gold plated ring, standing liberty quarter, 1911 barber dime, 1908 and 01 Liberty V nickles
Cleaned up

August 3rd
In and out of the water little over 2 hours. 5 bucks and a 24K gold plated Stainless steel pendant
August 2nd
Not lots of targets this morning called it after 2 hours
3 bucks and a silver Pandora earring
August 1st
Quick hit before work in the dry sand Just under 2 bucks and 3 junkers

July 31st
Hit the dry sand for 2 hours and got about 7.50 in change
got quite a few pieces of Jewelry including 2 silver rings

Then i went back to my silver beach for an hour popped 2 silver dimes 1941 mercury and a 1946D Roosevelt

I thought the penny on the row with the dimes was a wheatie LOL my eyes are shot.
July 30th
3 hours in the water and on the dry 5.50 in change and 3 junk jewelry
The cross was a heart attack but turned out to be junk

July 28th
this is actually 2 short before and after work hunts
7.25 in change, 2 junk jewelry and another elongated penny for the collection

July 27th
My mom was in town and wanted to see Gretchen and I detect
We hunted a close beach for a little over an hour before deciding we would do better with an early lunch.
got 1 silver ring

July 25th
about 2 and a half hours in the water on 2 beaches
2.50 in clad and a nice pair of Aviator Tiffany and Co sunglasses.
July 24th
Back to the dry sand 6 bucks and 1 junk ring
July 22nd
Waves were still coming in strong so went back to my sand movement beach
Some old stuff including 2 mercury dimes 1943 and a 1916 (no D mint unfortunatlly)
July 18th
Waves were a little rough so opted for the dry stuff.
July 16th
Couple hours in the water, I miss digging lots of targets on the dry sand. LOL
1 silver ring
July 15th
Couple hours trolling for fresh drops
2 stainless steel rings is the best for the day

July 13th
Working in the water
July 12th
Wandered the entire length of the beach, not a lot of targets in the water but persistance paid off
this little beauty looked great in the bottom of the scoop!

July 11th
Quick 45 minute hunt before work
July 10th
Nice productive morning out with Gretchen hit the water for about an hour and had 2 coins and the necklace
The rest of the change and the silver stud earring are from the dry.
July 9th
Hit the beach with Gretchen for about 3 hours wet and dry
2.30 and 2 junkers
In the afternoon I met up with Brian from Georgia another 1.50 in coins

he brought me some luck as right after he showed up I popped this beauty

July 8th
Actually did 2 hunts today morning at one of the old faithful beaches lots of coins. 5.25
Afternoon we went back to the silver beach
Popped 3 more silver coins 52 quarter 52 dime and a 45D nickle
Also got a cool dated 1950 uncle sam play coin
July 6th
The waves were too rough so I opted for a new beach with lots of sand movement.
Lots of oldies 6 silver coins, 2 Washington quarters 51 and 52S, 2 mercury dimes 42D and 44D
2 war nickles 42P and 43P, a 1918 buffalo nickle and 13 wheats
July 4th
Tried a northern beach, think we got there last. LOL
July 3rd
hit the water for a little while before the rain came
60 cents and a stainless spinner ring
July 1st
Tried the cut again still no luck
June 28th
found a nice rocky cut I thought might produce
1 silver stud earring and 3.30 in change 3 junk jewelry
June 27th
In and out of the water 3 bucks
June 25th
Must have been a good croud at the beach over the weekend
11.70 in clad
Nice silver claddah ring

June 24th
Coins only 5.50 and a foreign
June 19th
short hunt this morning
3 dollars and a couple junkers
June 18th
Not very productive as far as good jewelry yet this year.
Lots of targets 8 bucks and garbage (people are slobs)
June 15th
Lots of coins just under 10 dollars 2 junk rings and a wheat penny

June 13th
another couple hour hunt, more peope starting to hit the beach
8 bucks
June 12th
3 hours mostly dry sand 9.20, 3 junk jewelry and 2 foreign coins
June 7th
about an hour and a half in and out of the water.
pretty bleak
June 6th
Hit the dry sand for an hour before i had to head home
About 2.50 in change and 2 junk jewelry

June 4th
Dry sand had loads of change
12 bucks, 2 junk jewelry and a silver earring
Also got my first Minniapolis/St Paul Transit token
June 3rd
3 dollars in the dry

June 1st
Water is warming up a little, sun bathers are starting to come out in full force.
7 dollars in change a gold plated earring and a hand made Brass designer ring
May 31st
both sand and water 3.50 and a silver heart earring

May 28th
Tried the same beach hoping to get to the jewelry
one gold plated ring and just over 2 dollars

May 26th
The waves calmed down a bit, found a beach with lots of sand gone
Loads of iron Just short of 3 bucks an old toy gun

Little Orphan Annie ring!

May 25th
On the dry sand with Gretchen
2.10 in change and 2 junk Jewelry

May 24th
Still no good cuts for jewelry
tried the water for about an hour
May 23rd
About an hour in a wash out
Just coins 2.50

May 14th
had a bit of time before work
Just coins

May 8th
Tried 3 different beaches with Gretchen, First beach was the best. $2.70 in change and a beauty 14k gold cross 4.1 gram
May 7th
Tried another beach with some nice washout. Loads of coins but no jewelry. $5.20 in coins and an old CTA token

May 5th
Got my new toy in the mail yesterday afternoon, charged it up and headed back down to the beach I got
stuff from earlier this week. The Equinox 800 worked well on factory settings.
I hit this spot hard with the deus 3 times and this is what came up in about an hour and a half. I did dig lots of small pieces of tin and
alunimum that I could not hear with the deus.
ended with 8 coins a silver Claddah ring and a piece that looks like low carot gold but the 10K acid disolves it after 10 or 15 seconds
Silver Cladah RIng

May 1st
Spent a couple hours back at the spot some more sand had been moved
About $3.50 in change couple junk jewelry

14K heavy gold plate watch

April 25th 2018
Went back to the same beach to see what I had missed
about 1.20 in change 3 junk jewelry and an incidental find.

14k thin gold chain 0.2 grams
April 24th 2018
Started off the season right!
The first spot I tried had a nice little wash out only about 10 X 15 foot
A little over 3 dollars, 2 gold rings, 2 junk jewelry a buffalo nickle and about 10 wheat pennies
10K class of 1993 high school ring 3.1 g ------10K Heart ring, missing stone 1.7
April 20th 2018
Decided to cash in the small change from the last 2 years of beach and water hunting.
Still have over 300 dollars worth of quarters waiting for a reason to cash them in.
329.91 and got 2 silver dimes in the return coin tray.

4 Weeks in England
March 3rd to 31st
My take for the trip
